It’s All in the Family

I have had the good fortune to have been a part of many classrooms that felt like family to me. During my high school years it was primarily just a portion of the class, and not every single individual. The common thread that I see between all of those classroom families is that the teachers … Continue reading It’s All in the Family

Now You See Me

I'm having difficulty thinking of a specific instance where I felt that I was truly being seen as an individual in a classroom setting that wasn't negative. Throughout my primary and secondary education, I was seen as a 'problem child'. Some of that came from the reputation passed down to me from teachers' memories of … Continue reading Now You See Me

Tools, Tips, and Methods (Oh My!) (The Ally Remix)

The article I chose to read was "Enhancing Vocabulary and Comprehension in English Language Learners" because I am incredibly passionate about supporting our English Language Learners. It presented a lot of very concrete things that English teachers can do in order to increase ELL's success with their literary skills. The main one they present is teaching … Continue reading Tools, Tips, and Methods (Oh My!) (The Ally Remix)